
Diapers, formula, pregnancy services, adoption, abortion consultation. Emergency child care assistance program provide families in crisis with temporary child care, thus supporting families through hardship and assisting them to formulate contingency plans for future emergencies.

Vision To established and develop awareness on every possible aspect (social, economy, culture, s...
Djarum Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by two brothers, Michael Bambang Hartono a...
YKIP is a foundation committed to improving the lives of marginalized communities in Bali by brea...
Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM) – Foundation for Noble Work is a non-for-profit organization that...
Mission That every treatment and care of children with cancer is very draining power and mind a...
Our Goal Our goal is to eliminate malnutrition and the causes of poverty in the communities we se...
About Humanitarian Project promoting Health in Bali, Indonesia This project survives on donatio...
Set up in 2003 by Mary Binks, an Australian woman then living in Indonesia, today MCK is run by a...
Mission Carrying out Holistic Integrated and sustainable Holistic Child welfare effort in the bro...
OUR VISION: To be a social organisation that can actively take part in the Implementation of Soci...
The Dwituna Rawinala Education Foundation is an institution that caters to the educational needs ...
Sahabat Anak is a non-profit organisation that provides quality education and children’s rights a...
MISSION 1. RS Panti Rapih organizes comprehensive, fair, professional, sincere, and respectful he...
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